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Water scarcity is a word wild menace (World economic foum 2015). Rainwater colection can contribute to challenge this thread. Fresh water treatment with membrane technology produces a a drinking water quality not seen before and best for your health.

Shower water reuse added to the rainwater harvesting makes your house climate proof and the city water resilient.



Albert Jansen is a membrane specialist with a long history on innactions developments.

Especial on the water market Albert is active as an entrepeneur on water treatment, a visionair on smart urban water grids and a politician as a democratic elected member of a water board responsible for dikes, urban water management and waste water treatment. WIC partners with  I3 Innovative Technologies, IMT, Hatenboer Water and Beladon for several projects.


Water from heaven (Hemel(s)water) is a patented technology. The technology was first piloted at the ecovillage in Boekel and at the Heijmans One during the Fabcity (Amsterdam) with excellent results except ammonium. Currently an improved system is tested in The EU project Brigaid.

Beginning 2018 four pilots will be started to prove new applications for water storage, pharmaceutical processes, bread and crackers production and a floating farm. Certification of the process is under way.

Fresh Water for everyone!

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