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The first project was built (januari 2016) by PB International and installed at the ecovillage in Boekel. The project is still running. The results were promising. No bacteria were found in the water and chemically is was shown that water has no or little impurities compared with Dutch drinking water. There was only one exception. The ammonium content is higher than the drinking water guidelines due to ammonia evaporation from the land.

Ammonium is not toxic; in contrary it is a desired food ingredient. Also bacteria seen as feed by the bacteria it is not desired to be there.


A second project started in April 2016 at the Fabcity in Amsterdam. The water from heaven installation was connected to a mobile house (The Heijmans One). Here it was demonstrated that water from heaven can make house completely autarkic. Together with the Tesla Powerwall this house was truly sustainable.The water was presurized and used in house for cooking, showers and the bathroom.


These two promising results interested many market players but also needed further development for the ammonium removal. In the beginning of 2017 this innovative technology was selected for further testing and researched in The EU project BRIGAID. In October a Water from Heaven installation was connected to a roof of the Catholic University of Leuven. Testing started in November.

Planned projects

For 2018 the following projects are planned to prove new applications.

On the green campus (TUDelft) a so-called Water street is planned to demonstrate innovative water treatment systems. Water from heaven is selected to be demonstrated and will be researched by the Hanze Hogeschool van Groningen

In Rotterdam a floating farm will arise in the city harbor areas. This floating farm will be independent from land supply. A Water from Heaven installation will be installed to feed the stock and for dairy processing.

In Veenendaal a the pharmaceutical company Dishman will get an Water from Heaven installation to research the possibilities for pure process water use in the chemical processes. The analytical results of the pilots in Boekel allready comply with the Dishmen water standards.



Hemel(s)water is started in januari 2016 It is about making pure water from rain water from your own roof. It starts with clean water collection from roofs and particles removed with a filter. This water is than temporary stored in a rainwater  tank. A Denutritor removes ammonium afollowed by Membrane filtration system that removes bacteria, virusses and dissolved molecules to make pure water. This pure water is than stored for later in tanks, vessels, bags large enough to overcome a droughts.


In Puifluik the company Qrackers will gets his first Water from Heaven installation. The purpose  is to set up a cracker production line with only healthy ingredients.




The first prize in the Challnge city of the future was won in 2016.

Water from Heaven was a finalist in the Herman Wijffels Innovation Prize (November 2016)

On November 2017 the water innovation prize of the Netherlands will be announced. Water from Heaven is one of the finalists.

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